Turkish Culture and Traditions in the Home

life in turkey , culture   /   15 May 2017

Turkish Culture and Traditions in the Home People making the transition from being a holidaymaker in Turkey to living here permanently; often remark that one of the biggest differences in lifestyle is Turkish culture. While on holiday, the laid-back attitude of tourism staff makes it seem like the country has alienated themselves from their ancient heritage. Yet, living here, the culture differences become glaringly obvious. Enjoy a fascinating journey into the beliefs and daily routines of Turks.
How to Use the Istanbul Metro - a complete guide

istanbul , transport in turkey   /   02 May 2017

How to Use the Istanbul Metro - a complete guide Istanbul is Turkey’s largest city and with more than 14 million citizens and as the most popular tourist destination in the country, it makes sense that the city must have an efficient and smooth-running transport network. It delivers this and much more through its impressive connection of rail, metro, trams, buses and taxis. This article covers everything you need to know how to use the Istanbul Metro system. 
Is it Safe to Travel to Istanbul in 2017?

safety in turkey   /   25 April 2017

Is it Safe to Travel to Istanbul in 2017? When talking about Turkey the country, a frequent question that often pops up is whether it is safe to travel to Istanbul in 2017. Three years ago, people asking this question were more concerned with muggers, scams, road traffic or the safety of solo female travellers. These days, terrorism is sometimes asked, with ISIS and their continued attacks on cities around the world a concern for safety for those who have never been to Istanbul before. Read about how safe it is to travel to Istanbul in 2017 here. 
Turkish referendum will trigger property “gold rush”

politics in turkey istanbul investment   /   21 April 2017

Turkish referendum will trigger property “gold rush” In the weeks leading up to the referendum, investors and developers alike held fire, waiting for the country to vote yes or no on constitutional changes. Last Sunday saw Turks vote "yes." Whichever side you're on, one thing is clear: without the uncertainty surrounding Turkey's political future, the country can begin to move forward again. This includes the property market. In Istanbul, five developers announced new projects this week, signalling to investors that the market and appetite for property in Istanbul and Turkey is still red hot.
The most upmarket Districts of Istanbul to visit

istanbul , luxury living   /   18 April 2017

The most upmarket Districts of Istanbul to visit Istanbul, Turkey’s biggest city, is as diverse as it is intriguing. As the central hub of business, transport, finance, education, and tourism in the country, it has many facades, ranging from the cosmopolitan to the traditional. It is both bohemian as it is conservative. It is the place where historical, cultural, and trendy influences come together as one. Find some of the best and upmarket districts of Istanbul to visit in this blog. 
Why Turkish Soups are the Best in the World

life in turkey , turkish cuisine   /   15 April 2017

Why Turkish Soups are the Best in the World Turks have mastered the simple art of combining the simplest of ingredients to produce the most satisfying dishes, and their choice of more than 300 soup recipes are perfect examples. Eaten as a snack, starter, or main course, we think Turkish soups are the best in the world and here are six reasons why you simply cannot go to Turkey without trying the famous soups. 
Common Turkish Expressions and Phrases to Use Everyday

life in turkey , moving to turkey retiring to turkey   /   15 April 2017

Common Turkish Expressions and Phrases to Use Everyday In the last 20 years, Turkey has modernised itself in many ways, yet behind the face of travel magazines and modern trends, tradition and culture still reign strong. This is especially evident in the daily expressions used among friends, family, work colleagues, and strangers. Indeed, anyone learning Turkish would do well to learn the phrases because they will hear them frequently. Whether they are cultural phrases used for politeness or slang expressions used to express dismay, most of them are quite easy to remember.
Why Istanbul's urban regeneration property is ideal for first-time investors

istanbul investment   /   13 April 2017

Why Istanbul's urban regeneration property is ideal for first-time investors Urban regeneration is rejuvenating Istanbul, turning formerly undesirable areas into coveted suburbs sought after by families and professionals - and of course, investors. While many parts of Istanbul are off-limits due to high prices, areas where urban regeneration is taking place offer opportunities for lower entry level prices - but with all the capital growth of the more wealthy parts of the city.
Turkish referendum: everything you need to know

politics in turkey   /   11 April 2017

Turkish referendum: everything you need to know Turks are gearing up for a referendum that could change the course of history. On April 16, Turkey will vote yes or no to proposed constitutional changes that could see Erdogan's presidential role expanded from a ceremonial role to an all-encompassing executive presidency. The president is arguing that these changes are necessary to ensure the country's favourable economic and political outlook. However, critics argue that the president's power will be too great.
Love and marriage in Turkey

life in turkey   /   29 March 2017

Love and marriage in Turkey It's a subject that preoccupies us world over: how to navigate the often stormy world of love and marriage. In Turkey, a traditional society means the customs and culture around dating and relationships is a little different than the west. We explore some of the odd Turkish cultural quirks you'll discover if you embark on the path to love and marriage in Turkey.

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