Is Turkey Expensive for Food and Drink?

tourism in turkey , turkish cuisine   /   28 January 2021

Is Turkey Expensive for Food and Drink? So, you have planned a holiday and want to know is Turkey is expensive for food and drink? Well, the answer depends on two factors. First, whereabouts in the country you plan to go to. For example, Istanbul is far more expensive than Fethiye on the Mediterranean coast. Also, when eating and drinking out, it depends on which type of establishments you visit.
Seven Regions of Turkey: A Delightful Geographical Collection

life in turkey , Turkish history   /   28 January 2021

Seven Regions of Turkey: A Delightful Geographical Collection Getting to know about the regions of Turkey is a fascinating insight into a country so geographically diverse, that it boggles the mind. As the 37th largest country, with more than 8,000 kilometres of coastline and surrounded by four seas, the Republic of Turkey’s geography vastly differs from east to west.
Where is the Best Place to Live in Turkey?

life in turkey , moving to turkey retiring to turkey   /   18 January 2021

Where is the Best Place to Live in Turkey? If we follow trends, deciding where the best place to live in Turkey is, Istanbul firmly stands out. Turkey already has thousands of foreigners of various nationalities residing here all year round and stats show they tend to gravitate to some areas more than others. As a general rule, you will find very few foreigners living in the south in places like Mardin. They are landlocked districts, keep a conservative ambience, and few locals speak foreign languages.
How to celebrate Christmas and New Year in Turkey

life in turkey   /   20 December 2020

How to celebrate Christmas and New Year in Turkey At Christmas time, expats are divided into two camps: those who try to recreate the festivities and atmosphere of home, and those who give into new traditions. In Turkey, it's easy to do both. Just about all the trimmings and decorations you could wish for are available (tinsel, trees, turkeys) but Turks don't celebrate on 25 December. Instead, they save the big celebrations for New Year's Eve, when they roast a turkey and exchange gifts. 
What Things are Famous in Turkey?

tourism in turkey   /   16 December 2020

What Things are Famous in Turkey? When exploring famous things in Turkey, we could talk forever. From the east to west, the country has amassed a wealth of notable places, people, events, and objects that stand out for specific reasons. All give a great insight into Turkey, whether this is looking at its past, present or future. This fun way for first-time visitors to learn about culture, traditions, food, art, history reveals so many facts.
Why interest is growing in Istanbul's seaside homes

istanbul   /   14 December 2020

Why interest is growing in Istanbul's seaside homes Seaside property in Istanbul has always been popular. But with a growing awareness of the need for nature and space to keep us happy, and the new emphasis on social distancing, sea view property in Istanbul and suburbs close to the water are experience an unprecedented surge of interest. 
What Are the Major Cities in Turkey? The Best Cities to Visit

tourism in turkey   /   10 December 2020

What Are the Major Cities in Turkey? The Best Cities to Visit Spotting the major cities in Turkey is easy. They are the outstanding destinations often featured in travel magazines or that have one central claim to fame. As urban playgrounds, visitors can expect everything a decent city should offer, including unique architecture, delicious food, a lively shopping, and nightlife scene as well as many tourist attractions. From east to west, hundreds of cities stand out, yet for this article, we specifically talk about cities foreigners like to visit.
Sacred Architecture: The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia of Istanbul

istanbul , tourism in turkey religion in turkey   /   07 December 2020

Sacred Architecture: The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia of Istanbul The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia are two dominant and majestic buildings within Istanbul that regularly make the listings in numerous guidebooks and travel blogs as two of the top landmarks to see in Istanbul. Standing directly opposite each other, the stories of these two buildings stretches far back, connecting two of the world’s greatest empires and also two of the world’s leading religions.
Looking after Your Health While in Turkey

life in turkey retiring to turkey   /   07 December 2020

Looking after Your Health While in Turkey Nobody likes to fall ill at the best of times, and falling ill whilst abroad is certainly not ideal. Whether you are on your summer vacation, or own a property and live in Turkey all year round, visitors and expats alike can enjoy peace of mind with the high quality of healthcare in Turkey and range of facilities readily available. In this blog we take a look at looking after your health while in Turkey, and what you can do to help prevent any health problems while on Turkish soil.
Religion in Turkey, how diverse is it?

religion in turkey   /   07 December 2020

Religion in Turkey, how diverse is it? Is Turkey purely an Islamic based country or is there a tolerance to other religions? How many religions are there in Turkey? We provide an insight with this blog into religion in Turkey and the tolerance of the people and the secular government towards those of other religions who all live in harmony in Turkey. 

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