Is land a good investment in Istanbul?

how to find the right property Straight Talk   /   23 July 2020

Is land a good investment in Istanbul? Buying land in Istanbul or elsewhere in Turkey is an option for foreign investors. However, to make a successful investment need impeccable intel. Cameron Deggin explains why, when an opportunity to cash in on newly zoned land arises, foreign investors are generally the last to know. 
Why Turkey still beats Spain hands down

life in turkey investment   /   21 July 2020

Why Turkey still beats Spain hands down Spain and Turkey have many similarities. They’re both large countries with diverse landscapes and temperatures and an eclectic cultural mix. They’re both holiday favourites - thanks to the favourable summer heat and the many miles of beautiful coastline. But after that, the similarities grind to a halt. We outline some of the key differences - and why we believe Turkey is still the best bet.
What to expect during Kurban Bayram, the Sacrificial Feast

life in turkey , religion in turkey   /   20 July 2020

What to expect during Kurban Bayram, the Sacrificial Feast Kurban Bayram, or the Sacrificial Feast starts 70 days after the end of Ramadan. The four-and-a-half day festival is centered around family and community, and usually celebrated by slaughtering a goat or sheep and preparing a great feast. Read up on how Kurban Bayram will affect you if you're in Turkey - and what you can expect if you're taking part in a Kurban Bayram feast.
Best Places for Golfing, Yoga, and Surfing in Turkey

golf in turkey , tourism in turkey belek sports in turkey   /   02 July 2020

Best Places for Golfing, Yoga, and Surfing in Turkey For those who are little more sport and adventurous minded, Turkey provides more than enough centre's and areas where you can pump up the heart rate and let loose with some sporty past times set against stunning backdrops and brisk summer weather. We bring you this blog about golfing in Belek, yoga in the mountains of Dalaman, and surfing along the coasts of Turkey to get the adrenaline running and pumped - but don't be fooled though, there are still plenty more activities and sports to keep you busy during your time in Turkey. Think we missed something? Let us know your favourite things to do and participate in while on these lands in the comment section within this article. 
Driving in Turkey: Are You Up For the Challenge?

life in turkey , safety in turkey transport in turkey   /   02 July 2020

Driving in Turkey: Are You Up For the Challenge? Over the last 10 years, the Turkish government have ploughed money into developing some of the finest quality roads to rival Western countries and improve infrastructure and access to main cities in the country. However, depending on who you talk to, it is not the roads that are the problem in Turkey, but the people driving on them! In this blog we give you our best tips to driving in Turkey as a foreigner without giving into road rage or ending the day bruised and battered. 
Where Can I Retire in Europe? The Best Countries to Move To

cost of living in turkey , retiring to turkey   /   26 June 2020

Where Can I Retire in Europe? The Best Countries to Move To If you are asking yourself where you can retire in Europe, narrowing down the choices of destinations is easy. There is nothing better than going on the suggestions of people who have already done it. Other factors to consider are your lifestyle preferences, quality of schooling if you have children, family activities, amenities, and healthcare.
13 unspoken Turkish rules you might not know

life in turkey moving to turkey   /   25 June 2020

13 unspoken Turkish rules you might not know Is it OK to blow your nose at the dinner table? When you go to a friend’s house, who should you greet first? And why is making an “O” shape with your thumb and forefinger considered so rude? We explain a few customs and social rules that manage to bamboozle and confound visitors and new residents. Memorise these few rules and ensure you never get caught out again.
International Property Investment and why Turkey is a Market to Consider

investment , real estate investment   /   19 June 2020

International Property Investment and why Turkey is a Market to Consider For international property investment, the Turkish real estate market is awash with opportunities. Nationalities of buyers included Iraqis, Iranians, Russians, Brits, Germans, and other European and Asian people. So, as you can see, Turkey delivers the goods, whether this is the Turkish Citizenship by investment scheme or capital appreciation potential.
10 tips to help you haggle like a local in Turkey

life in turkey , tourism in turkey shopping in turkey   /   15 June 2020

10 tips to help you haggle like a local in Turkey Negotiating is a way of life in Turkey. This comes as a shock to those of us who aren't familiar with a bargaining culture and are more used to paying fixed prices. However, by employing some of our handy tips and with a little practice, you should be an expert haggler in no time.
Straight Talk: maximising your capital appreciation in Istanbul real estate

Straight Talk , how to find the right property istanbul investment   /   15 June 2020

Straight Talk: maximising your capital appreciation in Istanbul real estate Capital gains are the all-important measure of your property investment success. But what are they? And is obtaining capital gains as simple as buying a property in Istanbul and hoping for the best? The short answer, explains Cameron Deggin, is no. Find out how to ensure your investment is a success by exploring a few dos and don'ts of investing in Istanbul.

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