Real estate investment

Risky business: how to avoid the Istanbul rent guarantee con

Risky business: how to avoid the Istanbul rent guarantee con

When investing in a large city like Istanbul, it's difficult to get your bearings. Prices, build qualities, locations - it all varies so much. Unfortunately, there are a large number of unscrupulous companies ready to take advantage of new buyers. This includes the growing phenomenon of guaranteed rental income. We explain how it works - and how best to avoid getting scammed in Istanbul.

Is it best to invest in the west? Don’t buy in Istanbul before reading this

Is it best to invest in the west? Don’t buy in Istanbul before reading this

Turkey's largest city is where it's at. Prices have risen by 25% in the past year, surpassing the property growth performance of every other country on the planet. Increased infrastructure, an overhauling of housing stock and an unrelenting demand for homes are behind the growth. It's not surprising that investors are queuing up to invest in Istanbul. But where do you start? According to one of our Istanbul consultants, it's in the west of the city.

Golden Horn property: for investors with vision

Golden Horn property: for investors with vision

The iconic central Golden Horn area, clearly visible on every city map, is smartening up. New developments and improved infrastructure are attracting investment and prices are climbing. Middle class Turkish buyers are snapping up property at extremely favourable prices. So why aren't more foreign buyers sitting up and taking notice? 

Four ways Turkey’s making investment easier than ever

Four ways Turkey’s making investment easier than ever

Eager to boost foreign direct investment in Turkey, the Turkish government is introducing a raft of new laws to make property buying easier - and offering incentives to those who decide to invest in property. The government has proposed a number of new measures, most of which we should see pushed through by the end of this year.

Istanbul Real Estate – Why and Where to invest

Istanbul Real Estate – Why and Where to invest

Turkey’s most popular city, Istanbul straddles two continents and provides a natural gateway between the East and the West. In the last 10 years, stratospheric development in Istanbul has seen investors rush to capitalise on Istanbul’s property boom. Stats show that one in five Turkish property sales are now being made in Istanbul, making the city one of the most exciting markets in the world. So, WHY and WHERE should you invest in Istanbul? Read on to discover just what sets this metropolis city above the rest.

60% returns in 15 months? It could only be Istanbul

60% returns in 15 months? It could only be Istanbul

This residential and commercial project represents a lucrative foot-in-the-door for investors wanting a piece of the action in Istanbul. Property Turkey is offering exclusive pre-launch prices which will allow investors to see an incredible 60% return on investment within 15 months - as well as ongoing rental income. The centrally-located project is in one of Istanbul's most heavily invested areas, with links to Ataturk Airport, the city centre and plenty of five-star local facilities.

Fast profits for early investors in Atasehir, Istanbul's new financial hub

Fast profits for early investors in Atasehir, Istanbul's new financial hub

Atasehir is set to become Istanbul’s new financial heart, cementing the city’s status as a global economic powerhouse. The development also presents an incredible opportunity for investors, who are set to win fortunes on Istanbul’s Asian side. One such investor is Cameron Deggin, who believes his property in the Atasehir development will net him - and his clients - large gains.

8 superb Antalya investment properties from £72,000

8 superb Antalya investment properties from £72,000

The investment opportunities in Antalya are rivalled only by Istanbul’s. However, unlike Istanbul, it’s possible to find low-cost - but still very lucrative - investments in this prosperous southern city. Explore some of the many appealing options in this vibrant, exciting Mediterranean city.

Black Friday bargains: 9 properties under £99k

Black Friday bargains: 9 properties under £99k

Looking for a bargain Turkish property? We've compiled a list of the nine very best properties for under £99,000. Whether you're looking for an investment, lifestyle or retirement home look no further - our list covers just about all bases. From investing in Istanbul to retiring to sunny Calis Beach, take a look at some of the best budget properties in Turkey.

Why I'm investing in Istanbul's hottest investment spot

Why I'm investing in Istanbul's hottest investment spot

Property Turkey director Cameron Deggin knows Istanbul inside out. For more than a decade he's watched the city's fortunes rise and rise, keeping one eye on up-and-coming areas and another eye on the developments appearing around the city. He's advised clients on the very best way to invest their capital in Turkey's largest city and seen fortunes made. Now, he's putting his money where his mouth is with the purchase of an apartment in Bomonti's newest development. Deggin explains why he's investing in Bomonti - and what makes the central area an investor's dream.

A beginner's guide to investing in Istanbul property

A beginner's guide to investing in Istanbul property

Istanbul is Turkey's beating heart. It's the cultural capital and the historical centre of the country. And of course, it's the economic powerhouse driving the Turkish economy. Investing in Istanbul has always been an attractive prospect and in the last decade investment in the city has grown exponentially. Discover how you can make a start navigating Turkey's largest and most prosperous city.

Brangelina’s Turkish mansion sets tongues wagging, prices soaring

Brangelina’s Turkish mansion sets tongues wagging, prices soaring

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's presence anywhere causes excitement and curiosity. And it seems their recent Turkish property purchase was no exception. Following the October purchase of their luxury home in Urla, on the Aegean Coast, property prices are rising and locals are buzzing with the news that their village just became a little more glamourous. The enormous property has ample room for the couple's six children - as well as all the luxurious trappings you can imagine for a Hollywood-style residence. We take a look at the couple's new home - and a few others they might have considered before settling on their dream villa.

Property Enquiry

Smartly priced seafront Homes Istanbul

Smartly priced seafront Homes Istanbul

Do not miss this opportunity