
Turkish Culture Explained: Ottomans and Diversity in Turkey

Turkish Culture Explained: Ottomans and Diversity in Turkey

Turkish culture is often misrepresented. And in the comments we often get comments such as, "Turks stole this," "Greeks invented that," "Eastern Turkey belongs to us," and so on, and so forth. So in this article let's look at some of these misconceptions, along with Turkish culture as whole because it is so rich in history and cultural diversity. It is interesting to know how it became this way and why.

Seven reasons you'll fall in love with Turkish people

Seven reasons you'll fall in love with Turkish people

There's much to love about Turkey. Great Turkish food, beautiful golden beaches, fascinating history and a great lifestyle for expats in the country. But what about the people? Loyal, passionate and embarrassingly direct, here's why we love the Turks in all their complicated glory.

Famous Villages in Turkey to Visit and Live

Famous Villages in Turkey to Visit and Live

The vast list of famous, pretty villages in Turkey is an excellent way to get to know this lovely country's heart, culture, and traditions. From Northern plateau regions to Mediterranean fishing villages, you could spend a lifetime exploring them and always be delighted at the beauty they portray. Many also still adhere to timeless, age-old Turkish culture, as seen in architecture, daily life, and the welcoming hospitality of locals.

10 surprising Turkish superstitions that will have you scratching your head

10 surprising Turkish superstitions that will have you scratching your head

Put the knife down - and the umbrella, too! Superstitions tell us a lot about a country, and Turkey is no exception. Learn about this fascinating culture by exploring the weird, the wonderful, and the downright head-scratching superstitions that you might encounter in Turkey.

4 Years, 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 6 Hours, 20 Minutes ago

10 Iconic Historical Attractions in Turkey: Places to Explore

10 Iconic Historical Attractions in Turkey: Places to Explore

To explore historical attractions in Turkey is to delve into one of history’s most diverse and varied stories. Turkish history is not as straightforward as many think. Having been ruled by many empires over the centuries, we see styles including Ottoman and Byzantine buildings in Istanbul, Mediterranean and Lycian ancient cities and Russian landmarks in the northeast Black sea Region.

Souvenir Spices to Buy in Turkey

Souvenir Spices to Buy in Turkey

Go to any significant shopping place like the Spice Bazaar in Istanbul, and the delectable range of spices and herbs are on display in large, wooden buckets for you to buy as much or as little as you want. Whatever your taste in flavourings and seasonings, whether mild, tart or chilli hot, the range of Turkish spices will perfectly compliment your pantry back home. But which ones should you buy? Here are our suggestions.

Turkish Music and Dance Culture and Traditions

Turkish Music and Dance Culture and Traditions

Turks love music, just as much as they adore food. With a strong emphasis on lyrics, as well as tunes, to dance to, a Turk does not need persuading to break out into song or start dancing, whenever or wherever. The complexity of Turkish music, formed by centuries of global influences include Persian, Arabic, Persian, Balkan and Ottoman to name but a few. Find out about Turkish music in this cultural blog. 

Turkish Kitchen Culture: The Heart of a Home in Turkey

Turkish Kitchen Culture: The Heart of a Home in Turkey

By far, the most important room in a Turkish household is the kitchen. Turks place great emphasis on food. Not only does it fuel the body but it is also an important bond between friends, families, and strangers. Hospitality is one of the strongest pillars of Turkish society. Indeed many holidaymakers and travellers to Turkey often receive random invites to dinner from Turks they have only just met. But, it all starts and end in the kitchen, the ruling centre of any home.

Guide to Turkish Culture in the Workplace

Guide to Turkish Culture in the Workplace

If you plan to invest in Turkey or get a job, it will be hugely beneficial to brush up on Turkish culture in the workplace. On the surface, it may seem that Turkey operates much like western establishments. However, they don’t. Turks are slowly adopting globalised attitudes in the workplace, but culture and traditions still reign strong behind the scenes.

An Introduction to Turkish Culture for Tourists

An Introduction to Turkish Culture for Tourists

The term “culture” is an incredibly broad definition but experts agree it is what defines a social group of people. This includes their language, beliefs, traditions, regional cuisine, folk dancing, and so forth. So, looking at Turkish culture for tourists, it would be wise to focus on characteristics that they will encounter as they holiday or travel around the country.

Turkish Culture and Traditions in the Home

Turkish Culture and Traditions in the Home

People making the transition from being a holidaymaker in Turkey to living here permanently; often remark that one of the biggest differences in lifestyle is Turkish culture. While on holiday, the laid-back attitude of tourism staff makes it seem like the country has alienated themselves from their ancient heritage. Yet, living here, the culture differences become glaringly obvious. Enjoy a fascinating journey into the beliefs and daily routines of Turks.

21 signs you've been in Turkey too long

21 signs you've been in Turkey too long

Stay too long in Turkey and you'll inevitably find yourself starting to adopt aspects of the culture - both positive and negative. The little cultural quirks that initially drive you mad will soon be forgotten and integrated: from haggling over the price of an orange, to fearlessly weaving across roads full of haphazard drivers, discover the ways expats adapt to living in Turkey.

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